Aid for energy renovation
Are you going to undertake energy renovation work on your home? By carrying out high-performance work by qualified professionals, you will be able to benefit from several aids. Specific conditions exist for each device.
1) VAT at reduced rate
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For renovation work, the VAT rate applied is generally 10%. However, for work to improve energy performance, this rate is reduced to 5.5%. To benefit from this assistance, you do not have to take any steps. The professional who carried out the work will apply this VAT directly to you on the invoice.
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A) For whom?
- Occupying owners - Landlord owners - Co-ownership associations - Free tenants and occupants - Real estate companies
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B) For which accommodation?
- Housing must be completed for more than two years. - It can be occupied as a primary or secondary residence.
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C) For what work?
Work eligible for the tax credit for the energy transition.
2) The energy check
Since January 1, 2019, the amount of the energy check has been increased and its base expanded. To benefit from the energy check from January 1, 2019. A single person must prove a reference tax income per unit of consumption of less than € 10,700 (against € 7,700 previously). A couple must justify a reference tax income per consumption unit of less than € 16,050. A couple with a child must provide proof of a reference tax income per consumption unit of less than € 19,260 (+ € 3,210 / child). The average amount of the energy check will be € 200 per household and will vary from € 48 to € 227. It can be used to pay energy bills or to carry out energy renovation work.
3) The zero-rate eco-loan
The zero-rate eco-loan allows you to benefit from a loan of a maximum amount of € 30,000 to carry out eco-renovation work. An additional zero-rate eco-loan of up to € 10,000 may be requested within 5 years of the closing of the first loan to carry out other work. The two eco-loans must not exceed € 30,000 for the same home.
There is also an eco-loan at zero co-ownership rate, reserved for syndicates of co-owners. Its maximum amount is € 30,000 per accommodation, depending on the work carried out. It is possible to combine a joint ownership eco-PTZ and an individual eco-PTZ (for work different from those undertaken in the context of the joint ownership) provided that the ceiling of € 30,000 for the same accommodation is not exceeded. . To benefit from this assistance, you must have most of the work carried out by qualified RGE professionals. Since March 1, 2019, the condition of package of works has been removed. The zero-rate eco-loan can finance a single action.
For who ?
- Occupying owners
- Owners renting their accommodation
- Civil companies not subject to tax in which at least one of the partners is a natural person Without condition of means.
For what accommodation?
- All housing completed for more than 2 years (since July 1, 2019). - The accommodation must be declared as a main residence.
For what works?
- Only one action can be financed, such as thermal insulation of the roof, windows and doors to the outside or the installation of equipment using a renewable energy source. Since July 1, insulation of low floors (located on the ground floor of a dwelling) is eligible.
- It can also be the improvement of the minimum overall energy performance of the dwelling (calculated by a thermal design office).
Eligible works
List of works:
roof insulation;
insulation of at least half of the walls facing the exterior;
replacement of at least half of the windows and patio doors to the exterior;
insulation of low floors in basements, crawl spaces or open passageways;
installation or replacement of a heating system (associated with an efficient ventilation system, if applicable) or domestic hot water production;
installation of a heating system using a renewable energy source;
installation of sanitary hot water production equipment using a renewable energy source.
4) Energy saving certificates
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As part of an obligation framed by the State, some companies (gas or electricity suppliers, retailers with petrol stations, oil brands) offer bonuses, subsidized loans or free diagnostics for you. help to save energy.
This system improves certain work thanks to the “Heating boost” and the “Insulation boost”. Depending on your income, you can benefit from exceptional bonuses to help you finance the insulation of the roof and / or low floors as well as the replacement:
a coal, oil or gas boiler (other than condensing) by equipment using renewable energies (biomass boiler, air / water, water / water or hybrid heat pump, combined solar system, connection to a heating network) or by a very high energy performance gas boiler with an efficiency greater than or equal to 92%;
coal-fired heating equipment using a wood-burning appliance with the Green Flame 7 ★ label or equivalent performance.
windows with insulating glazing.
For what works?
To benefit from energy saving certificates, the work must make it possible to improve the energy efficiency of your home and be part of the list of standardized operations.
What professional?
Before accepting the quote, check that the professional is RGE qualified when this qualification is required.
When to apply ?
It is imperative to contract your process with the energy supplier before accepting the quote.
5) The "MaPrimeRénov" device
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
For all the information, you can go to the site
The "maprimrenov" system now centralizes all the aid to which households can claim:
- Energy saving certificates;
- The ANAH support program;
- Tax reductions for home improvement work.